Subject-matter expert (SME) on economic development on subcontract to Jobs for the Future, in support of JFF’s agreement with the U.S. Economic Development Administration to administer a Community of Practice for the Good Jobs Challenge grantees.
This category lists interviewing and other field work I have done as part of stakeholder analyses.
Co-managed the consulting team at TEConomy Partners that produced a comprehensive strategic plan for the Maryland Economic Development Corporation, a state-chartered, non-profit, economic-development financing entity. Interviewed stakeholders, benchmarked peer state programs, reviewed programmatic and economic data, and participated in strategy formation.
Conducted benchmarking and stakeholder interviews as part of an organizational-design effort staffed by TEConomy Partners for UNC READDI, a multi-institutional initiative to develop several new classes of drugs for emerging viral diseases.

Conducted stakeholder interviews with business incubators statewide and academic laboratories at Harvard (including affilated hospitals) and UMass as part of the first-ever comprehensive evaluation of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.
Conducted stakeholder interviews with the directors of four state associations which share certain interests with the New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC). Wrote an analytical summary of opportunities for alliances between these groups and NYSEDC, for use in strategic planning by the Executive Director and Executive Committee of the Board.
Subcontractor to the NYU Wagner School on major grant from U.S. EDA to Wagner, ICMA, and JFF to assist in coordinating and harmonizing approaches to economic development across federal agencies. The project is intended to yield a one-stop platform to help communities make more effective cases for integrated federal support of complex regional partnerships for economic development.
Conducted extensive stakeholder interviews with startup companies as part of a broader project for the (former) Louisiana Economic Development on how to pursue “blue sky” sectoral strategies in areas with limited competition.
Contractor to New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for a stakeholders’ analysis on NYSERDA’s Saratoga Technology + Energy Park.
Conducted in-depth stakeholder interviews on possible reforms in the drug development pipeline as part of a project for the Council on American Medical Innovation, including also assessment of mechanisms used in other nations to promote biomedical innovation.
As part of an assessment of the potential for the Tennessee Valley Authority to contribute to development of value-added R&D in the automotive sector, benchmarked six in-region university efforts in automotive technology R&D.