Co-managed the consulting team at TEConomy Partners that produced a comprehensive strategic plan for the Maryland Economic Development Corporation, a state-chartered, non-profit, economic-development financing entity. Interviewed stakeholders, benchmarked peer state programs, reviewed programmatic and economic data, and participated in strategy formation.
This category lists program-evaluation tasks I have done.
Assisted Design Technologies LLC, a company that operates entrepreneurial support programs, in trialing a new approach to demonstrating program impacts. Researched and drafted a case study of a university spinoff that was assisted by two of the programs operated by Design Technologies — ELabNYC and Next Milestone. Efficacy of this new approach to documenting impact is being tested by Design Technologies with its public and private-sector stakeholders.
Benchmarked policies, laws, and programs designed to encourage value-added food processing, as part of an unpublished supplement to an economic-impact study of MU Extension.
Researched and summarized laws and policies in Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, and Kansas and also described food innovation center programs at Cornell, Kansas State, Michigan State, Oregon State, Rutgers, and University of Nebraska Lincoln.

Conducted stakeholder interviews with business incubators statewide and academic laboratories at Harvard (including affilated hospitals) and UMass as part of the first-ever comprehensive evaluation of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.
Consultancy services related to the modification of technology transfer processes at Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU aka CVUT), supported under European Union Structural Funds project No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000650.
External reviewer for the Jeff Lawrence Manufacturing Innovation Fund, operated by FuzeHub, a not-for-profit operating a statewide node on the New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Latest awards here. Note that as part of each review round, I disclose potential conflicts and may be required to recuse myself if any reviewable proposal has been submitted by a unit with which I have a direct business relationship.
Uncompensated, pro bono service on advisory board to the NYS Commissioner of Economic Development Development on aspects of the “research development program” administered by the Division of Science, Technology and Innovation at DED/Empire State Development Corporation. [UPDATE 4/2018: Because of work I am conducting for Weill Cornell Medicine, I have recused myself from advising on any round in which the latter institution applies for funding.]
Member of a Technical Evaluation Panel (specifics subject to a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement) convened by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
Advisor in Community and Economic Development to the Innovations in American Government Awards Program at the Ash Center.
External reviewer for six innovation programs funded by Orange County (Florida) at the University of Central Florida, on a two-part technical-assistance project funded by Living Cities.