This category lists diverse report-drafting and communications duties I have done.

Subject-matter expert (SME) subcontractor to Enterprise Community Partners on a contract to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in support of a guide for community leaders and other stakeholders on using HUD CDBG-DR funding to promote economic revitalization as part of disaster recovery. Primary author for sections on what works in economic development.

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Subject-matter expert (SME) subcontractor to Enterprise Community Partners on a contract to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in support of a toolkit for community leaders and other stakeholders on economic recovery and resilience. Primary author for sections on small business, microenterprise, and business incubation.

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Co-managed the consulting team at TEConomy Partners that produced a comprehensive strategic plan for the Maryland Economic Development Corporation, a state-chartered, non-profit, economic-development financing entity. Interviewed stakeholders, benchmarked peer state programs, reviewed programmatic and economic data, and participated in strategy formation.

Assisted Design Technologies LLC, a company that operates entrepreneurial support programs, in trialing a new approach to demonstrating program impacts. Researched and drafted a case study of a university spinoff that was assisted by two of the programs operated by Design Technologies — ELabNYC and Next Milestone. Efficacy of this new approach to documenting impact is being tested by Design Technologies with its public and private-sector stakeholders.

Advisor on program development and internal communications to Weill Cornell Medicine’s managing director for BioPharma Alliances and Research Collaborations.

Conducted all benchmarking research for a report commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). The report highlights pro-innovation initiatives being undertaken by 18 nations (plus the European Union at the transnational level) that are challenging U.S. global leadership in the advanced biopharmaceutical industries. Work delivered as a subcontractor to TEConomy Partners.

Report cover

Cover page of the TEConomy Partners report for PhRMA. For the full report, click the image.

Conducted stakeholder interviews with the directors of four state associations which share certain interests with the New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC). Wrote an analytical summary of opportunities for alliances between these groups and NYSEDC, for use in strategic planning by the Executive Director and Executive Committee of the Board.

Subcontractor to the NYU Wagner School on major grant from U.S. EDA to Wagner, ICMA, and JFF to assist in coordinating and harmonizing approaches to economic development across federal agencies. The project is intended to yield a one-stop platform to help communities make more effective cases for integrated federal support of complex regional partnerships for economic development.

Advisor to the NYU Wagner Innovation Labs on a report on cities and anchor institutions prepared by Neil Kleiman and his colleagues for the National Resource Network. Work delivered as a subcontractor to the Center for an Urban Future.


Cover page of NRN report. For full report, click image.

Consultant to the Data Science Institute, Columbia University, helping draft its contribution to the overall strategic plan of the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.