Advisor to the president of the university on pathways available for starting a program of externally sponsored research at this predominantly undergraduate institution in Memphis. Prepared extensive background material for a special committee of deans and administrators reporting to the president.
This category lists colleges or universities that I have done work for as institutions, at the vice presidential or dean level and up.
Provided support to senior staff of the Research Foundation for the State University of New York (RF SUNY) on a grant from the National Science Foundation to produce a conference (ultimately delivered as webinars due to the COVID-19 pandemic) on Deep Tech Incubation. Assisted RF staff in preparing questions for each panel that would stimulate discussion, in briefing the panelists, and finally in summarizing the lessons learned from each panel for use by the PIs in public communication.
Contributed benchmarking analysis to a comprehensive plan prepared by TEConomy Partners LLC for a Food Animal Initiative (FAI) being developed jointly by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University. Surveyed peer-competitive initiatives at five other North American campuses, yielding lessons learned for the FAI at NC State.
Benchmarked biomedical R&D research consortia potentially comparable to the new Hampton Roads Biomedical Research Consortium, as part of an overall program design executed by TEConomy Partners for Old Dominion University, Eastern Virginia Medical School, and Sentara Healthcare.
Benchmarked policies, laws, and programs designed to encourage value-added food processing, as part of an unpublished supplement to an economic-impact study of MU Extension.
Researched and summarized laws and policies in Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, and Kansas and also described food innovation center programs at Cornell, Kansas State, Michigan State, Oregon State, Rutgers, and University of Nebraska Lincoln.
Advisor on program development and internal communications to Weill Cornell Medicine’s managing director for BioPharma Alliances and Research Collaborations.
Benchmarked state- and metro-level “innovation centers” that are structured as public/private or industry/university partnerships, as part of an unpublished study conducted by TEConomy Partners for the Maryland Excel initiative, a collaboration between the State of Maryland and the Hopkins and University of Maryland systems.
Consultancy services related to the modification of technology transfer processes at Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU aka CVUT), supported under European Union Structural Funds project No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000650.
Benchmarked six centers at leading universities elsewhere in the nation as part of a project to plan initiatives in both plant sciences and food processing at North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.