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    Subdivision GEOID
    County subdivision
    36434 items found  (Total items: 36434)
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    Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
    0105792380Northeast Fayette CCDFayette CountyALStatistical entity S
    0105793495Winfield-Glen Allen CCDFayette CountyALStatistical entity S
    0105992547Phil Campbell CCDFranklin CountyALStatistical entity S
    0105992691Red Bay CCDFranklin CountyALStatistical entity S
    0105992799Russellville CCDFranklin CountyALStatistical entity S
    0105993312Vina CCDFranklin CountyALStatistical entity S
    0106190252Bellwood-Coffee Springs
    Geneva CountyALStatistical entity S
    0106191305Geneva CCDGeneva CountyALStatistical entity S
    0106191530Hartford CCDGeneva CountyALStatistical entity S
    0106192835Samson CCDGeneva CountyALStatistical entity S
    Page 16 of 3644
        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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