
This database includes several tables highlighting the hierarchical nature of the geographic coding systems used by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for metropolitan areas, with reference to a series of other geographic tables maintained by the Census Bureau and a cross-reference table. If you prefer a map gateway into the database, try here.

  • Under the OMB Metro Areas pulldown menu:
    • Consolidated Statistical Areas lists all the CSAs as of OMB's 2023 definitions
    • Core Based Statistical Areas lists all CBSA metropolitan and micropolitan areas as of OMB's 2023 definition and the CSAs, if any, in which they are embedded
    • Consolidated New England City and Town Areas and NECTAs have been removed per OMB decision in 2023. 
  • Under the Census Geographies pulldown:
    • Region lists the highest-level Census regions
    • Divisions lists Census divisions and the regions in which they are embedded
    • State lists the codes for each state and territory
    • Metro Divisions lists the divisions into which certain CBSAs are divided by county
    • County lists all counties and county-equivalents, the CSA and CBSA in which they are embedded, if any, their status as central or outlying in those regions, and a Google maps link. Current as of 2015 Gazeteer updated through 2022. USDA/ERS classifications are due for updates in 2023 or 2024. 
    • County Subdivision lists all county subdivisions, the counties within which they are embedded, and their "functional status" code as assigned by the Census in 2023. Metro/non-metro and economic dependency classifications per ERS are current as of 2015.
    • Place lists all places, their counties, their types, the metro areas within which they are embedded if any, whether they are a principal city within those metro areas, and a Google maps link. Updated as of 2024: Census Data Places have been restored to this table. 
    • Urban areas and the cross reference with places have been removed because they often cross-reference CDPs that are no longer listed. 
    • Census Tracts have been dropped from this database as of 2023. This was not a useful feature. 


Here are the principal views for this database:

  • Each table in the left-hand column opens in summary view:
    • By default the table sorts by the first column but you can click on any column title to change the sort order.
    • The summary view shows only a few rows at a time, but use the pager tool to gain access to the rest.
    • This is also the view you will see after conducting a search.
  • Clicking the paper icon on the leftmost column of the summary table opens a detail view for the record clicked.
    • The "previous/next" links will take you through any summary table, whether the full dataset or the result of a search.
    • In some cases, the detail view may reveal a field not included in the summary view. For example, the detail view for State lists quite a number of attributes for each state that are not in the summary table. 
    • For tables listing specific geographic areas, the detail view also includes a list of those codes at one level of greater specificity that belong to this code. For example the detail view for a CBSA indicates which counties are in that CBSA, and the detail view for a County indicates which places are in that County. 
    • For the metro area and county tables, the detail view also shows which colleges and universities can be found in that area. 
  • You can conduct a "quick search" by one or two fields from the summary view. However, you can also click the search button to open a full-featured search:
    • You can enter one or more fields. Don't overdetermine a search.
    • By default, the search is conducted as a Boolean AND of terms in any field but you can change this to Boolean OR in the dropdown.
    • Fields with "equals," "starts with," or "contains" require a text entry. You may use Boolean AND or OR within these fields.
    • Be sure to "clear" the search to get back to the full summary listing.

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