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   Jefferson County
   Watertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
   Metro < 250k



Place         Place GEOID   County GEOID   State         CBSA          CSA           Principal city   Map query    
Adams village3600199Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Alexandria Bay village3601187Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Antwerp village3602286Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Black River village3606794Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Brownville village3610231Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Cape Vincent village3612353Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Carthage village3612683Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Chaumont village3614036Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Clayton village3616089Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Deferiet village3619994Jefferson County 36045 NYWatertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060


Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
3604500000County subdivisions not
Jefferson CountyNYFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
3604500210Adams townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604501176Alexandria townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604502297Antwerp townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604510242Brownville townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604512364Cape Vincent townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604513717Champion townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604516100Clayton townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604524086Ellisburg townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3604534055Henderson townJefferson CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A


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