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    3298 items found  (Total items: 3298)
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    County        State code    County GEOID   Metro Division   CBSA          CSA           Central outlying   Metro/non-metro status   Economic dependency (ERS)   Map query    
    Clinton CountyOH 39027   Wilmington, OH 48940Cincinnati-Wilmington,
    OH-KY-IN 178
    Centralnonmetro county (rural)nonspecialized
    Wilson CountyNC 37195   Wilson, NC 48980Rocky
    Rapids, NC 468
    Centralnonmetro county (rural)manufacturing-dependent
    Franklin CountyTN 47051   Winchester, TN 49010Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro,
    TN 400
    Centralnonmetro county (rural)nonspecialized
    Frederick CountyVA 51069   Winchester, VA-WV 49020Washington-Baltimore-Arlington,
    DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 548
    Centralmetro county (urban)nonspecialized
    Winchester cityVA 51840   Winchester, VA-WV 49020Washington-Baltimore-Arlington,
    DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 548
    Centralmetro county (urban)nonspecialized
    Hampshire CountyWV 54027   Winchester, VA-WV 49020Washington-Baltimore-Arlington,
    DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 548
    Outlyingmetro county (urban)recreation
    Humboldt CountyNV 32013   Winnemucca, NV 49080   Centralnonmetro county (rural)mining-dependent
    Winona CountyMN 27169   Winona, MN 49100Rochester-Austin-Winona,
    MN 462
    Centralnonmetro county (rural)manufacturing-dependent
    Davidson CountyNC 37057   Winston-Salem, NC 49180Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High
    Point, NC 268
    Centralmetro county (urban)nonspecialized
    Davie CountyNC 37059   Winston-Salem, NC 49180Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High
    Point, NC 268
    Centralmetro county (urban)nonspecialized
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