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   Wood County
   Toledo, OH 45780
   metro county (urban)




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Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
3917307020Bloom townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917307972Bowling Green cityWood CountyOHFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
3917313015Center townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917328014Fostoria cityWood CountyOHFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
3917328756Freedom townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917331220Grand Rapids townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917334986Henry townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917338164Jackson townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917341328Lake townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3917343400Liberty townshipWood CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A


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