| | 2706902386 | Arveson township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706909676 | Cannon township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706909874 | Caribou township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706912340 | Clow township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706914950 | Davis township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706915382 | Deerwood township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706916030 | Donaldson city | Kittson County | MN | Fictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F |
| | 2706925370 | Granville township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2706926576 | Hallock city | Kittson County | MN | Fictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F |
| | 2706926594 | Hallock township | Kittson County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |