| | 2705700496 | Akeley city | Hubbard County | MN | Fictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F |
| | 2705700514 | Akeley township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705701918 | Arago township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705703178 | Badoura township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705711682 | Clay township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705712232 | Clover township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705714140 | Crow Wing Lake township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705720528 | Farden township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705720942 | Fern township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |
| | 2705726360 | Guthrie township | Hubbard County | MN | Active government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A |