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   Wilkin County
   Wahpeton, ND-MN 47420
   Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244
   not in metro; pop < 5k; metro-adjacent



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Place GEOID   Place         County        State         CBSA          CSA           A principal city of metro  
2707462Breckenridge cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2709496Campbell cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2716156Doran cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2722202Foxhome cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2732786Kent cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2744944Nashua cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2756014Rothsay cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N
2771392Wolverton cityWilkin County MNWahpeton, ND-MN 47420 Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244N


Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
2716700550Akron townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716701522Andrea townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716702620Atherton townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716707264Bradford townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716707372Brandrup townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716707462Breckenridge cityWilkin CountyMNFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
2716707480Breckenridge townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716709496Campbell cityWilkin CountyMNFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
2716709514Campbell townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
2716710828Champion townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A



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