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Place type
Incorporated Place
Census Data Place
Functional Status
A Active government providing primary general-purpose functions
B Active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions
C Active government consolidated with another government with a single set of officials
E Active government providing special-purpose functions
F Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau geographic hierarchy
G Active government that is subordinate to another unit of government
I Inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary special-purpose functions
L Inactive, nonfunctioning legal real property entity with potential quasi-legal administrative functions
M Active legal real property entity with quasi-legal functions
N Nonfunctioning legal entity
S Statistical entity
T Active state-recognized entity
BL (balance)
TB Addition
TA Administrative Area
77 Alaska Native Regional Corporation
T1 Area
L3 Assembly District
B8 Balance of
B3 Balance of Borough
B4 Balance of Census Area
B1 Balance of County
BI Balance of Island
B2 Balance of Parish
20 barrio
41 barrio-pueblo
BK Block
BG Block Group
04 Borough
21 borough
22 CCD
57 CDP
05 Census Area
23 census subarea
24 census subdistrict
CT Census Tract
T2 Chapter
49 charter township
B7 charter township (balance)
25 city
03 City and Borough
53 city and borough
81 Colony
M4 Combined NECTA
M0 Combined Statistical Area
CR Commercial Region
82 Community
55 comunidad
C2 Congressional District
C1 Congressional District (at Large)
CG consolidated government
CB consolidated government (balance)
71 Consolidated Metrpolitan Statistical Area
CN corporation
06 County
26 county
TC County District
C4 Delegate District (at Large)
07 District
27 district
28 District
L7 District
69 Division
L4 General Assembly District
31 gore
32 grant
78 Hawaiian Home Land
98 Indian Colony
95 Indian Community
97 Indian Rancheria
96 Indian Reservation
93 Indian Village
10 Island
83 joint-use area
90 joint-use OTSA
36 location
MT metro government
35 Metro Township
M3 Metropolitan Division
MG metropolitan government
MB metropolitan government (balance)
M5 Metropolitan NECTA
M1 Metropolitan Statistical Area
M6 Micropolitan NECTA
M2 Micropolitan Statistical Area
72 MSA
12 Municipality
37 municipality
13 Municipio
M7 NECTA Division
74 New England County Metropolitan Area
C5 No Representative
15 Parish
39 plantation
29 precinct
30 Precinct
73 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
84 Pueblo
99 Pueblo de
9C Pueblo of
42 purchase
91 Ranch
9D Ranch Reservation
85 Rancheria
9E Rancheria Reservation
9F Ranches
68 Region
86 Reservation
87 Reserve
C3 Resident Commissioner District (at Large)
T3 Segment
L2 Senatorial District
LL State House District
L5 State Legislative District
L6 State Legislative Subdistrict
LU State Senate District
51 subbarrio
P1 SuperPUMA
43 town
B5 town (balance)
44 township
45 Township
B6 township (balance)
IB Tribal Block Group
IT Tribal Census Tract
89 Trust Land
70 UGA
UG unified government
UB unified government (balance)
76 Urban Cluster
UC urban county
75 Urbanized Area
46 UT
47 village
94 Village
V1 Voting District
V2 Voting District
L1 Ward
62 zona urbana
Aberdeen, SD 10100
Aberdeen, WA 10140
Abilene, TX 10180
Ada, OK 10220
Adrian, MI 10300
Aguadilla, PR 10380
Akron, OH 10420
Alamogordo, NM 10460
Alamosa, CO 10480
Albany, GA 10500
Albany, OR 10540
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY 10580
Albemarle, NC 10620
Albert Lea, MN 10660
Albertville, AL 10700
Albuquerque, NM 10740
Alexander City, AL 10760
Alexandria, LA 10780
Alexandria, MN 10820
Alice, TX 10860
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ 10900
Alma, MI 10940
Alpena, MI 10980
Altoona, PA 11020
Altus, OK 11060
Amarillo, TX 11100
Americus, GA 11140
Ames, IA 11180
Amherst Town-Northampton, MA 11200
Amsterdam, NY 11220
Anchorage, AK 11260
Anderson Creek, NC 11360
Andrews, TX 11380
Angola, IN 11420
Ann Arbor, MI 11460
Anniston-Oxford, AL 11500
Appleton, WI 11540
Arcadia, FL 11580
Ardmore, OK 11620
Arecibo, PR 11640
Arkadelphia, AR 11660
Arkansas City-Winfield, KS 11680
Asheville, NC 11700
Ashland, OH 11740
Astoria, OR 11820
Atchison, KS 11860
Athens, OH 11900
Athens, TN 11940
Athens, TX 11980
Athens-Clarke County, GA 12020
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, GA 12060
Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ 12100
Auburn, IN 12140
Auburn, NY 12180
Auburn-Opelika, AL 12220
Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC 12260
Augusta-Waterville, ME 12300
Austin, MN 12380
Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX 12420
Bainbridge, GA 12460
Baker City, OR 12520
Bakersfield-Delano, CA 12540
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD 12580
Bangor, ME 12620
Baraboo, WI 12660
Barnstable Town, MA 12700
Barre, VT 12740
Bartlesville, OK 12780
Batavia, NY 12860
Batesville, AR 12900
Baton Rouge, LA 12940
Battle Creek, MI 12980
Bay City, MI 13020
Bay City, TX 13060
Beatrice, NE 13100
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX 13140
Beaver Dam, WI 13180
Beckley, WV 13220
Bedford, IN 13260
Beeville, TX 13300
Bellefontaine, OH 13340
Bellingham, WA 13380
Bemidji, MN 13420
Bend, OR 13460
Bennington, VT 13540
Big Rapids, MI 13660
Big Spring, TX 13700
Billings, MT 13740
Binghamton, NY 13780
Birmingham, AL 13820
Bishop, CA 13860
Bismarck, ND 13900
Blackfoot, ID 13940
Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA 13980
Bloomington, IL 14010
Bloomington, IN 14020
Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA 14100
Bluefield, WV-VA 14140
Blytheville, AR 14180
Bogalusa, LA 14220
Boise City, ID 14260
Bonham, TX 14300
Boone, NC 14380
Borger, TX 14420
Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH 14460
Boulder, CO 14500
Bowling Green, KY 14540
Bozeman, MT 14580
Bradford, PA 14620
Brainerd, MN 14660
Branson, MO 14700
Brattleboro, VT 14710
Breckenridge, CO 14720
Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard, WA 14740
Brenham, TX 14780
Brevard, NC 14820
Bridgeport-Stamford-Danbury, CT 14860
Brigham City, UT-ID 14940
Brookhaven, MS 15020
Brookings, OR 15060
Brookings, SD 15100
Brownsville-Harlingen, TX 15180
Brownwood, TX 15220
Brunswick-St. Stimons, GA 15260
Bucyrus, OH 15340
Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY 15380
Burley, ID 15420
Burlington, IA-IL 15460
Burlington, NC 15500
Burlington-South Burlington, VT 15540
Butte-Silver Bow, MT 15580
Cadillac, MI 15620
Calhoun, GA 15660
Cambridge, MD 15700
Cambridge, OH 15740
Camden, AR 15780
Campbellsville, KY 15820
Cañon City, CO 15860
Canton, IL 15900
Canton-Massillon, OH 15940
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL 15980
Cape Girardeau, MO-IL 16020
Carbondale, IL 16060
Carlsbad-Artesia, NM 16100
Carroll, IA 16140
Carson City, NV 16180
Casper, WY 16220
Cedar City, UT 16260
Cedar Rapids, IA 16300
Cedartown, GA 16340
Celina, OH 16380
Centralia, IL 16460
Centralia, WA 16500
Chambersburg, PA 16540
Champaign-Urbana, IL 16580
Charleston, WV 16620
Charleston-Mattoon, IL 16660
Charleston-North Charleston, SC 16700
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC 16740
Charlottesville, VA 16820
Chattanooga, TN-GA 16860
Cheyenne, WY 16940
Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN 16980
Chico, CA 17020
Chillicothe, OH 17060
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN 17140
Clarksburg, WV 17220
Clarksdale, MS 17260
Clarksville, TN-KY 17300
Clearlake, CA 17340
Cleveland, MS 17380
Cleveland, OH 17410
Cleveland, TN 17420
Clewiston, FL 17500
Clinton, IA 17540
Clovis, NM 17580
Coamo, PR 17620
Coco, PR 17640
Cody, NM 17650
Coeur d'Alene, ID 17660
Coldwater, MI 17740
College Station-Bryan, TX 17780
Colorado Springs, CO 17820
Columbia, MO 17860
Columbia, SC 17900
Columbus, GA-AL 17980
Columbus, IN 18020
Columbus, MS 18060
Columbus, NE 18100
Columbus, OH 18140
Concord, NH 18180
Connersville, IN 18220
Cookeville, TN 18260
Coos Bay-North Bend, OR 18300
Corbin, KY 18340
Cordele, GA 18380
Corinth, MS 18420
Cornelia, GA 18460
Corning, NY 18500
Corpus Christi, TX 18580
Corsicana, TX 18620
Cortland, NY 18660
Corvallis, OR 18700
Coshocton, OH 18740
Crawfordsville, IN 18820
Crescent City, CA 18860
Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL 18880
Crossville, TN 18900
Cullman, AL 18980
Cumberland, MD-WV 19060
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX 19100
Dalton, GA 19140
Danville, IL 19180
Danville, KY 19220
Danville, VA 19260
Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL 19300
Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL 19340
Dayton-Kettering-Beavercreek, OH 19430
Decatur, AL 19460
Decatur, IL 19500
Decatur, IN 19540
Defiance, OH 19580
Del Rio, TX 19620
Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL 19660
Deming, NM 19700
Denver-Aurora-Centennial, CO 19740
DeRidder, LA 19760
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA 19780
Detroit Lakes, MN 19810
Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI 19820
Dickinson, ND 19860
Dixon, IL 19940
Dodge City, KS 19980
Dothan, AL 20020
Douglas, GA 20060
Dover, DE 20100
Dublin, GA 20140
DuBois, PA 20180
Dubuque, IA 20220
Duluth, MN-WI 20260
Dumas, TX 20300
Duncan, OK 20340
Durango, CO 20420
Durant, OK 20460
Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 20500
Dyersburg, TN 20540
Eagle Pass, TX 20580
East Stroudsburg, PA 20700
Easton, MD 20660
Eau Claire, WI 20740
Edwards, CO 20780
Effingham, IL 20820
El Campo, TX 20900
El Centro, CA 20940
El Dorado, AR 20980
El Paso, TX 21340
Elizabeth City, NC 21020
Elizabethtown, KY 21060
Elk City, OK 21120
Elkhart-Goshen, IN 21140
Elkins, WV 21180
Elko, NV 21220
Ellensburg, WA 21260
Elmira, NY 21300
Emporia, KS 21380
Enid, OK 21420
Enterprise, AL 21460
Erie, PA 21500
Escanaba, MI 21540
Española, NM 21580
Eufaula, AL-GA 21640
Eugene-Springfield, OR 21660
Eureka-Arcata, CA 21700
Evanston, WY-UT 21740
Evansville, IN 21780
Fairbanks-College, AK 21820
Fairmont, MN 21860
Fairmont, WV 21900
Fallon, NV 21980
Fargo, ND-MN 22020
Faribault-Northfield, MN 22060
Farmington, MO 22100
Farmington, NM 22140
Fayetteville, NC 22180
Fayetteville, TN 22190
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO 22220
Fergus Falls, MN 22260
Findlay, OH 22300
Fitzgerald, GA 22340
Flagstaff, AZ 22380
Flint, MI 22420
Florence, SC 22500
Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL 22520
Fond du Lac, WI 22540
Forest City, NC 22580
Forrest City, AR 22620
Fort Collins-Loveland, CO 22660
Fort Dodge, IA 22700
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 22780
Fort Madison, IA 22800
Fort Morgan, CO 22820
Fort Payne, AL 22840
Fort Smith, AR-OK 22900
Fort Wayne, IN 23060
Frankfort, IN 23140
Frankfort, KY 23180
Franklin, KY 23190
Fredericksburg, TX 23240
Freeport, IL 23300
Fremont, NE 23340
Fremont, OH 23380
Fresno, CA 23420
Gadsden, AL 23460
Gaffney, SC 23500
Gainesville, FL 23540
Gainesville, GA 23580
Gainesville, TX 23620
Galesburg, IL 23660
Gallipolis, OH 23680
Gallup, NM 23700
Garden City, KS 23780
Gardnerville Ranchos, NV 23820
Gettysburg, PA 23900
Gillette, WY 23940
Glasgow, KY 23980
Glens Falls, NY 24020
Gloversville, NY 24100
Goldsboro, NC 24140
Granbury, TX 24180
Grand Forks, ND-MN 24220
Grand Island, NE 24260
Grand Junction, CO 24300
Grand Rapids, MN 24330
Grand Rapids-Wyoming-Kentwood, MI 24340
Grants Pass, OR 24420
Great Bend, KS 24460
Great Falls, MT 24500
Greeley, CO 24540
Green Bay, WI 24580
Greencastle, IN 24600
Greeneville, TN 24620
Greenfield, MA 24640
Greensboro-High Point, NC 24660
Greensburg, IN 24700
Greenville, MS 24740
Greenville, NC 24780
Greenville, OH 24820
Greenville-Anderson-Greer, SC 24860
Greenwood, MS 24900
Greenwood, SC 24940
Grenada, MS 24980
Guayama, PR 25020
Gulfport-Biloxi, MS 25060
Guymon, OK 25100
Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV 25180
Hailey, ID 25200
Hammond, LA 25220
Hanford-Corcoran, CA 25260
Hannibal, MO 25300
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA 25420
Harrison, AR 25460
Harrisonburg, VA 25500
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT 25540
Hastings, NE 25580
Hattiesburg, MS 25620
Hays, KS 25700
Heber, UT 25720
Helena, MT 25740
Hemlock Farms, PA 25770
Henderson, KY 25775
Henderson, NC 25780
Hereford, TX 25820
Hermiston-Pendleton, OR 25840
Hermitage, PA 25850
Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC 25860
Hillsdale, MI 25880
Hilo-Kailua, HI 25900
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Port Royal, SC 25940
Hinesville, GA 25980
Hobbs, NM 26020
Holland, MI 26090
Homosassa Springs, FL 26140
Hood River, OR 26220
Hot Springs, AR 26300
Houghton, MI 26340
Houma-Bayou Cane-Thibodaux, LA 26380
Houston-Pasadena-The Woodlands, TX 26420
Hudson, NY 26460
Huntingdon, PA 26500
Huntington, IN 26540
Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH 26580
Huntsville, AL 26620
Huntsville, TX 26660
Huron, SD 26700
Hutchinson, KS 26740
Hutchinson, MN 26780
Idaho Falls, ID 26820
Indiana, PA 26860
Indianapolis-Carmel-Greenwood, IN 26900
Iowa City, IA 26980
Iron Mountain, MI-WI 27020
Ithaca, NY 27060
Jackson, MI 27100
Jackson, MS 27140
Jackson, TN 27180
Jackson, WY-ID 27220
Jacksonville, FL 27260
Jacksonville, IL 27300
Jacksonville, NC 27340
Jacksonville, TX 27380
Jamestown, ND 27420
Jamestown-Dunkirk, NY 27460
Janesville-Beloit, WI 27500
Jasper, IN 27540
Jefferson City, MO 27620
Jefferson, GA 27600
Jesup, GA 27700
Johnson City, TN 27740
Johnstown, PA 27780
Jonesboro, AR 27860
Joplin, MO-KS 27900
Juneau, AK 27940
Kahului-Wailuku, HI 27980
Kalamazoo-Portage, MI 28020
Kalispell, MT 28060
Kankakee, IL 28100
Kansas City, MO-KS 28140
Kapaa, HI 28180
Kearney, NE 28260
Keene, NH 28300
Kendallville, IN 28340
Kennett, MO 28380
Kennewick-Richland, WA 28420
Kenosha, WI 28450
Kerrville, TX 28500
Ketchikan, AK 28540
Key West-Key Largo, FL 28580
Kill Devil Hills, NC 28620
Killeen-Temple, TX 28660
Kingsland, GA 28680
Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA 28700
Kingston, NY 28740
Kingsville, TX 28780
Kinston, NC 28820
Kirksville, MO 28860
Kiryas Joel-Poughkeepsie-Newburgh, NY 28880
Klamath Falls, OR 28900
Knoxville, TN 28940
Kokomo, IN 29020
La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN 29100
La Grande, OR 29260
Laconia, NH 29060
Lafayette, LA 29180
Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN 29200
LaGrange, GA-AL 29300
Lake Charles, LA 29340
Lake City, FL 29380
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ 29420
Lake of the Woods, VA 29470
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 29460
Lancaster, PA 29540
Lansing-East Lansing, MI 29620
Laramie, WY 29660
Laredo, TX 29700
Lares, PR 29720
Las Cruces, NM 29740
Las Vegas, NM 29780
Las Vegas-Henderson-North Las Vegas, NV 29820
Laurel, MS 29860
Laurinburg, NC 29900
Lawrence, KS 29940
Lawrenceburg, TN 29980
Lawton, OK 30020
Le Mars, IA 30180
Lebanon, MO 30060
Lebanon, PA 30140
Lebanon-Claremont, NH-VT 30150
Lewisburg, PA 30260
Lewisburg, TN 30280
Lewiston, ID-WA 30300
Lewiston-Auburn, ME 30340
Lewistown, PA 30380
Lexington Park, MD 30500
Lexington, NE 30420
Lexington-Fayette, KY 30460
Liberal, KS 30580
Lima, OH 30620
Lincoln, IL 30660
Lincoln, NE 30700
Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR 30780
Lock Haven, PA 30820
Logan, UT-ID 30860
Logansport, IN 30900
Longview, TX 30980
Longview-Kelso, WA 31020
Los Alamos, NM 31060
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA 31080
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN 31140
Lubbock, TX 31180
Ludington, MI 31220
Lufkin, TX 31260
Lumberton, NC 31300
Lynchburg, VA 31340
Macomb, IL 31380
Macon-Bibb County, GA 31420
Madison, IN 31500
Madison, WI 31540
Madisonville, KY 31580
Magnolia, AR 31620
Malvern, AR 31680
Manchester-Nashua, NH 31700
Manhattan, KS 31740
Manitowoc, WI 31820
Mankato, MN 31860
Mansfield, OH 31900
Marietta, OH 31930
Marinette, WI-MI 31940
Marion, IN 31980
Marion, NC 32000
Marion, OH 32020
Marion-Herrin, IL 32060
Marquette, MI 32100
Marshall, MN 32140
Marshall, MO 32180
Marshalltown, IA 32260
Martin, TN 32280
Martinsville, VA 32300
Maryville, MO 32340
Mason City, IA 32380
Massena-Ogdensburg, NY 32390
Mayagüez, PR 32420
Mayfield, KY 32460
McAlester, OK 32540
McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX 32580
McComb, MS 32620
McMinnville, TN 32660
McPherson, KS 32700
Meadville, PA 32740
Medford, OR 32780
Memphis, TN-MS-AR 32820
Menomonie, WI 32860
Merced, CA 32900
Meridian, MS 32940
Mexico, MO 33020
Miami, OK 33060
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL 33100
Michigan City-La Porte, IN 33140
Middlesborough, KY 33180
Midland, MI 33220
Midland, TX 33260
Milledgeville, GA 33300
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI 33340
Minden, LA 33380
Mineral Wells, TX 33420
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI 33460
Minot, ND 33500
Missoula, MT 33540
Mitchell, SD 33580
Moberly, MO 33620
Mobile, AL 33660
Modesto, CA 33700
Monroe, LA 33740
Monroe, MI 33780
Montgomery, AL 33860
Monticello, IN 33900
Monticello, NY 33910
Montrose, CO 33940
Morehead City, NC 33980
Morgan City, LA 34020
Morgantown, WV 34060
Morristown, TN 34100
Moscow, ID 34140
Moses Lake, WA 34180
Moultrie, GA 34220
Mount Airy, NC 34340
Mount Pleasant, MI 34380
Mount Pleasant, TX 34420
Mount Sterling, KY 34460
Mount Vernon, IL 34500
Mount Vernon, OH 34540
Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA 34580
Mountain Home, AR 34260
Mountain Home, ID 34300
Muncie, IN 34620
Murray, KY 34660
Murrells Inlet, SC 34680
Muscatine, IA 34700
Muskegon-Norton Shores, MI 34740
Muskogee, OK 34780
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-NC 34820
Nacogdoches, TX 34860
Nantucket, MA 34880
Napa, CA 34900
Naples-Marco Island, FL 34940
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN 34980
Natchez, MS-LA 35020
Natchitoches, LA 35060
New Bern, NC 35100
New Castle, IN 35220
New Haven, CT 35300
New Iberia, LA 35340
New Orleans-Metairie, LA 35380
New Philadelphia-Dover, OH 35420
New Ulm, MN 35580
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ 35620
Newberry, SC 35140
Newport, OR 35440
Newport, TN 35460
Niles, MI 35660
Nogales, AZ 35700
Norfolk, NE 35740
North Platte, NE 35820
North Port-Bradenton-Sarasota, FL 35840
North Wilkesboro, NC 35900
Norwalk, OH 35940
Norwich-New London-Willimantic, CT 35980
Oak Harbor, WA 36020
Ocala, FL 36100
Ocean Pines, MD 36180
Odessa, TX 36220
Ogden, UT 36260
Oil City, PA 36340
Okeechobee, FL 36380
Oklahoma City, OK 36420
Olean, NY 36460
Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater, WA 36500
Omaha, NE-IA 36540
Oneonta, NY 36580
Ontario, OR-ID 36620
Opelousas, LA 36660
Orangeburg, SC 36700
Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL 36740
Oshkosh-Neenah, WI 36780
Oskaloosa, IA 36820
Othello, WA 36830
Ottawa, IL 36837
Ottawa, KS 36840
Ottumwa, IA 36900
Owatonna, MN 36940
Owensboro, KY 36980
Owosso, MI 37020
Oxford, MS 37060
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA 37100
Ozark, AL 37120
Paducah, KY-IL 37140
Pahrump, NV 37220
Palatka, FL 37260
Palestine, TX 37300
Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL 37340
Pampa, TX 37420
Panama City-Panama City Beach, FL 37460
Paragould, AR 37500
Paris, TN 37540
Paris, TX 37580
Parkersburg-Vienna, WV 37620
Payson, AZ 37740
Pella, IA 37800
Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL 37860
Peoria, IL 37900
Peru, IN 37940
Petoskey, MI 37950
Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD 37980
Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ 38060
Picayune, MS 38100
Pierre, SD 38180
Pikeville, KY 38210
Pine Bluff, AR 38220
Pinehurst-Southern Pines, NC 38240
Pittsburg, KS 38260
Pittsburgh, PA 38300
Pittsfield, MA 38340
Plainview, TX 38380
Platteville, WI 38420
Plattsburgh, NY 38460
Plymouth, IN 38500
Pocatello, ID 38540
Ponca City, OK 38620
Ponce, PR 38660
Pontiac, IL 38700
Poplar Bluff, MO 38740
Port Angeles, WA 38820
Port Lavaca, TX 38920
Port St. Lucie, FL 38940
Port Townsend, WA 39040
Portland-South Portland, ME 38860
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA 38900
Portsmouth, OH 39020
Pottsville, PA 39060
Prescott Valley-Prescott, AZ 39150
Price, UT 39220
Providence-Warwick, RI-MA 39300
Provo-Orem-Lehi, UT 39340
Pueblo, CO 39380
Pullman, WA 39420
Punta Gorda, FL 39460
Putnam, CT 39480
Quincy, IL-MO 39500
Racine-Mount Pleasant, WI 39540
Raleigh-Cary, NC 39580
Rapid City, SD 39660
Raymondville, TX 39700
Reading, PA 39740
Red Bluff, CA 39780
Red Wing, MN 39860
Redding, CA 39820
Reno, NV 39900
Rexburg, ID 39940
Rice Lake, WI 39960
Richmond, IN 39980
Richmond, VA 40060
Richmond-Berea, KY 40080
Rifle, CO 40090
Rio Grande City-Roma, TX 40100
Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 40140
Riverton, WY 40180
Roanoke Rapids, NC 40260
Roanoke, VA 40220
Rochelle, IL 40300
Rochester, MN 40340
Rochester, NY 40380
Rock Springs, WY 40540
Rockford, IL 40420
Rockingham, NC 40460
Rocky Mount, NC 40580
Rolla, MO 40620
Rome, GA 40660
Roseburg, OR 40700
Roswell, NM 40740
Ruidoso, NM 40760
Russellville, AL 40770
Russellville, AR 40780
Ruston, LA 40820
Rutland, VT 40860
Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA 40900
Safford, AZ 40940
Saginaw, MI 40980
Salem, OH 41400
Salem, OR 41420
Salina, KS 41460
Salinas, CA 41500
Salisbury, MD 41540
Salt Lake City-Murray, UT 41620
San Angelo, TX 41660
San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX 41700
San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA 41740
San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA 41860
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 41940
San Juan-Bayamón-Caguas, PR 41980
San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA 42020
Sandpoint, ID 41760
Sandusky, OH 41780
Sanford, NC 41820
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA 42100
Santa Fe, NM 42140
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA 42200
Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA 42220
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 42300
Savannah, GA 42340
Sayre, PA 42380
Scottsbluff, NE 42420
Scottsboro, AL 42460
Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA 42540
Seaford, DE 42580
Searcy, AR 42620
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA 42660
Sebastian-Vero Beach-West Vero Corridor, FL 42680
Sebring, FL 42700
Sedalia, MO 42740
Selinsgrove, PA 42780
Selma, AL 42820
Seneca Falls, NY 42900
Seneca, SC 42860
Sevierville, TN 42940
Seymour, IN 42980
Shawano, WI 43020
Shawnee, OK 43060
Sheboygan, WI 43100
Shelby-Kings Mountain, NC 43140
Shelbyville, TN 43180
Shelton, WA 43220
Sheridan, WY 43260
Sherman-Denison, TX 43300
Show Low, AZ 43320
Shreveport-Bossier City, LA 43340
Sidney, OH 43380
Sierra Vista-Douglas, AZ 43420
Sikeston, MO 43460
Silver City, NM 43500
Sioux City, IA-NE-SD 43580
Sioux Falls, SD-MN 43620
Slidell-Mandeville-Covington, LA 43640
Snyder, TX 43660
Somerset, KY 43700
Somerset, PA 43740
Sonora, CA 43760
South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI 43780
Sparta, WI 43890
Spartanburg, SC 43900
Spearfish, SD 43940
Spencer, IA 43980
Spirit Lake, IA 44020
Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA 44060
Springfield, IL 44100
Springfield, MA 44140
Springfield, MO 44180
Springfield, OH 44220
St. Cloud, MN 41060
St. George, UT 41100
St. Joseph, MO-KS 41140
St. Louis, MO-IL 41180
St. Marys, PA 41260
Starkville, MS 44260
State College, PA 44300
Statesboro, GA 44340
Staunton-Stuarts Draft, VA 44420
Steamboat Springs, CO 44460
Stephenville, TX 44500
Sterling, CO 44540
Sterling, IL 44580
Stevens Point-Plover, WI 44620
Stillwater, OK 44660
Stockton-Lodi, CA 44700
Storm Lake, IA 44740
Sturgis, MI 44780
Sulphur Springs, TX 44860
Summerville, GA 44900
Sumter, SC 44940
Sunbury, PA 44980
Susanville, CA 45000
Sweetwater, TX 45020
Syracuse, NY 45060
Tahlequah, OK 45140
Talladega-Sylacauga, AL 45180
Tallahassee, FL 45220
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL 45300
Taos, NM 45340
Taylorville, IL 45380
Terre Haute, IN 45460
Texarkana, TX-AR 45500
The Dalles, OR 45520
Thomaston, GA 45580
Thomasville, GA 45620
Tiffin, OH 45660
Tifton, GA 45700
Toccoa, GA 45740
Toledo, OH 45780
Topeka, KS 45820
Torrington, CT 45860
Town of Pecos, TX 45880
Traverse City, MI 45900
Trenton-Princeton, NJ 45940
Troy, AL 45980
Truckee-Grass Valley, CA 46020
Tucson, AZ 46060
Tullahoma-Manchester, TN 46100
Tulsa, OK 46140
Tupelo, MS 46180
Tuscaloosa, AL 46220
Twin Falls, ID 46300
Tyler, TX 46340
Ukiah, CA 46380
Union City, TN 46460
Urban Honolulu, HI 46520
Urbana, OH 46500
Utica-Rome, NY 46540
Utuado, PR 46580
Uvalde, TX 46620
Valdosta, GA 46660
Vallejo, CA 46700
Van Wert, OH 46780
Vermillion, SD 46820
Vernal, UT 46860
Vernon, TX 46900
Vicksburg, MS 46980
Victoria, TX 47020
Vidalia, GA 47080
Vincennes, IN 47180
Vineland, NJ 47220
Vineyard Haven, MA 47240
Virginia Beach-Chesapeake-Norfolk, VA-NC 47260
Visalia, CA 47300
Wabash, IN 47340
Waco, TX 47380
Wahpeton, ND-MN 47420
Walla Walla, WA 47460
Wapakoneta, OH 47540
Warner Robins, GA 47580
Warren, PA 47620
Warrensburg, MO 47660
Warsaw, IN 47700
Washington Court House, OH 47920
Washington, IN 47780
Washington, NC 47820
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV 47900
Waterbury-Shelton, CT 47930
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA 47940
Watertown, SD 47980
Watertown-Fort Atkinson, WI 48020
Watertown-Fort Drum, NY 48060
Wausau, WI 48140
Waycross, GA 48180
Waynesville, NC 48200
Weatherford, OK 48220
Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH 48260
Wenatchee-East Wenatchee, WA 48300
West Plains, MO 48460
Wheeling, WV-OH 48540
Whitewater-Elkhorn, WI 48580
Wichita Falls, TX 48660
Wichita, KS 48620
Wildwood-The Villages, FL 48680
Williamsport, PA 48700
Williston, ND 48780
Willmar, MN 48820
Wilmington, NC 48900
Wilmington, OH 48940
Wilson, NC 48980
Winchester, TN 49010
Winchester, VA-WV 49020
Winnemucca, NV 49080
Winona, MN 49100
Winston-Salem, NC 49180
Wisconsin Rapids-Marshfield, WI 49220
Woodward, OK 49260
Wooster, OH 49300
Worcester, MA 49340
Worthington, MN 49380
Yakima, WA 49420
Yankton, SD 49460
York-Hanover, PA 49620
Youngstown-Warren, OH 49660
Yuba City, CA 49700
Yuma, AZ 49740
Zanesville, OH 49780
Zapata, TX 49820
Abilene-Sweetwater, TX 101
Albany-Schenectady, NY 104
Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Los Alamos, NM 105
Allentown-Bethlehem-East Stroudsburg, PA-NJ 106
Altoona-Huntingdon, PA 107
Amarillo-Borger, TX 108
Appleton-Oshkosh-Neenah, WI 118
Asheville-Waynesville-Brevard, NC 120
Atlanta--Athens-Clarke County--Sandy Springs, GA-AL 122
Baton Rouge-Hammond, LA 132
Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega, AL 142
Bloomington-Bedford, IN 144
Bloomington-Pontiac, IL 145
Bloomsburg-Berwick-Sunbury, PA 146
Boise City-Mountain Home-Ontario, ID-OR 147
Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT 148
Bowling Green-Glasgow-Franklin, KY 150
Brookings-Crescent City, OR-CA 152
Brownsville-Harlingen-Raymondville, TX 154
Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Olean, NY 160
Burlington-Fort Madison, IA-IL 161
Burlington-South Burlington-Barre, VT 162
Cape Coral-Fort Myers-Naples, FL 163
Cape Girardeau-Sikeston, MO-IL 164
Carbondale-Marion-Herrin, IL 166
Cedar Rapids-Iowa City, IA 168
Champaign-Urbana-Denville, IL 169
Charleston-Huntington-Ashland, WV-OH-KY 170
Charlotte-Concord, NC-SC 172
Chattanooga-Cleveland-Dalton, TN-GA-AL 174
Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI 176
Cincinnati-Wilmington, OH-KY-IN 178
Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH 184
Columbia-Jefferson City-Moberly, MO 190
Columbia-Sumter-Orangeburg, SC 192
Columbus-Auburn-Opelika, GA-AL 194
Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH 198
Corpus Christi-Kingsville-Alice, TX 204
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK 206
Davenport-Moline, IA-IL 209
Dayton-Springfield-Kettering, OH 212
Denver-Aurora-Greeley, CO 216
Des Moines-West Des Moines-Ames, IA 218
Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI 220
Dixon-Sterling, IL 221
Dothan-Enterprise-Ozark, AL 222
Duluth-Grand Rapids, MN-WI 228
Eau Claire-Menomonie, WI 232
Edwards-Rifle, CO 233
El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM 238
Elmira-Corning, NY 236
Erie-Meadville, PA 240
Evansville-Henderson, IN-KY 241
Fairmont-Clarksburg, WV 242
Fargo-Wahpeton, ND-MN 244
Fayetteville-Lumberton-Pinehurst, NC 246
Findlay-Tiffin, OH 248
Florence-Muscle Shoals-Russellville, AL 250
Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn, IN 258
Fresno-Hanford-Corcoran, CA 260
Gainesville-Lake City, FL 264
Grand Rapids-Wyoming, MI 266
Green Bay-Shawano, WI 267
Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point, NC 268
Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, SC 273
Greenville-Washington, NC 274
Harrisburg-York-Lebanon, PA 276
Harrisonburg-Staunton-Stuarts Draft, VA 277
Hattiesburg-Laurel, MS 279
Hot Springs-Malvern, AR 284
Houston-Pasadena, TX 288
Huntsville-Decatur-Albertville, AL-TN 290
Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID 292
Indianapolis-Carmel-Muncie, IN 294
Ithaca-Cortland, NY 296
Jackson-Vicksburg-Brookhaven, MS 298
Jacksonville-Kingsland-Palatka, FL-GA 300
Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA 304
Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306
Jonesboro-Paragould, AR 308
Joplin-Miami, MO-OK-KS 309
Kalamazoo-Battle Creek-Portage, MI 310
Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS 312
Keene-Brattleboro, NH-VT 313
Kennewick-Richland-Walla Walla, WA 314
Knoxville-Morristown-Sevierville, TN 315
La Crosse-Onalaska-Sparta, WI-MN 317
Lafayette-New Iberia-Opelousas, LA 318
Lafayette-West Lafayette-Frankfort, IN 320
Lake Charles-DeRidder, LA 324
Lansing-East Lansing-Owosso, MI 330
Las Vegas-Henderson, NV 332
Lawton-Duncan, OK 334
Lexington-Fayette--Richmond--Frankfort, KY 336
Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Lincoln-Beatrice, NE 339
Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR 340
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 348
Louisville/Jefferson County--Elizabethtown, KY-IN 350
Lubbock-Plainview, TX 352
Macon-Bibb County--Warner Robins, GA 356
Madison-Janesville-Beloit, WI 357
Mankato-New Ulm, MN 359
Mansfield-Ashland-Bucyrus, OH 360
Marinette-Iron Mountain, WI-MI 361
Mayagúez-Aguadilla, PR 364
McAllen-Edinburg, TX 365
Medford-Grants Pass, OR 366
Memphis-Clarksdale-Forrest City, TN-MS-AR 368
Miami-Port St. Lucie-Fort Lauderdale, FL 370
Middlesborough-Corbin, KY 371
Midland-Odessa-Andrews, TX 372
Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI 376
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI 378
Mobile-Daphne-Fairhope, AL 380
Monroe-Ruston, LA 384
Montgomery-Selma, AL 388
Moses Lake-Othello, WA 393
Mount Pleasant-Alma, MI 394
Myrtle Beach-Conway, SC-NC 396
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro, TN 400
New Bern-Morehead City, NC 404
New Haven-Hartford-Waterbury, CT 405
New Orleans-Metairie-Slidell, LA-MS 406
New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA 408
North Port-Bradenton, FL 412
Oklahoma City-Shawnee, OK 416
Omaha-Fremont, NE-IA 420
Orlando-Lakeland-Deltona, FL 422
Paducah-Mayfield, KY-IL 424
Parkersburg-Marietta-Vienna, WV-OH 425
Peoria-Canton, IL 427
Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD 428
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ 429
Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville, PA-OH-WV 430
Ponce-Coamo, PR 434
Portland-Lewiston-South Portland, ME 438
Portland-Vancouver-Salem, OR-WA 440
Pueblo-Cañon City, CO 444
Pullman-Moscow, WA-ID 446
Quincy-Hannibal, IL-MO 448
Raleigh-Durham-Cary, NC 450
Rapid City-Spearfish, SD 452
Redding-Red Bluff, CA 454
Reno-Carson City-Gardnerville Ranchos, NV-CA 456
Richmond-Connersville, IN 458
Rochester-Austin-Winona, MN 462
Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, NY 464
Rockford-Freeport-Rochelle, IL 466
Rocky Mount-Wilson-Roanoke Rapids, NC 468
Sacramento-Roseville, CA 472
Saginaw-Midland-Bay City, MI 474
Salisbury-Ocean Pines, MD 480
Salt Lake City-Provo-Orem, UT-ID 482
San Antonio-New Braunfels-Kerrville, TX 484
San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA 488
San Juan-Bayamón, PR , PR 490
Savannah-Hinesville-Statesboro, GA 496
Seattle-Tacoma, WA 500
Shreveport-Bossier City-Minden, LA 508
Sioux City-Le Mars, IA-NE-SD 512
South Bend-Elkhart-Mishawaka, IN-MI 515
Spencer-Spirit Lake, IA 517
Spokane-Spokane Valley-Coeur d'Alene, WA-ID 518
Springfield-Amherst Town-Northampton, MA 521
Springfield-Jacksonville-Lincoln, IL 522
St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL 476
Starkville-Columbus, MS 523
State College-DuBois, PA 524
Syracuse-Auburn, NY 532
Tallahassee-Bainbridge, FL-GA 533
Tucson-Nogales, AZ 536
Tulsa-Bartlesville-Muskogee, OK 538
Tupelo-Corinth, MS 539
Tyler-Jacksonville, TX 540
Union City-Martin, TN 542
Victoria-Port Lavaca, TX 544
Virginia Beach-Chesapeake, VA-NC 545
Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA 548
Wausau-Stevens Point-Wisconsin Rapids, WI 554
Weatherford-Elk City, OK 555
Wichita-Arkansas City-Winfield, KS 556
Williamsport-Lock Haven, PA 558
Youngstown-Warren-Salem, OH 566
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