| | Adams County | PA | 42001 | | Gettysburg, PA 23900 | Harrisburg-York-Lebanon,
PA 276 | Central | in metro of < 250k | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=AdamsCounty+PA |
| | Allegheny County | PA | 42003 | | Pittsburgh, PA 38300 | Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville,
PA-OH-WV 430 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=AlleghenyCounty+PA |
| | Armstrong County | PA | 42005 | | Pittsburgh, PA 38300 | Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville,
PA-OH-WV 430 | Outlying | in metro of > 1m | mining-dependent | https://maps.google.com/?q=ArmstrongCounty+PA |
| | Beaver County | PA | 42007 | | Pittsburgh, PA 38300 | Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville,
PA-OH-WV 430 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BeaverCounty+PA |
| | Bedford County | PA | 42009 | | | | | not in metro; pop <
5k; metro-adjacent | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BedfordCounty+PA |
| | Berks County | PA | 42011 | | Reading, PA 39740 | Philadelphia-Reading-Camden,
PA-NJ-DE-MD 428 | Central | in metro of > 250k
< 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BerksCounty+PA |
| | Blair County | PA | 42013 | | Altoona, PA 11020 | Altoona-Huntingdon, PA 107 | Central | in metro of < 250k | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BlairCounty+PA |
| | Bradford County | PA | 42015 | | Sayre, PA 42380 | | Central | not in metro; pop > 5k
< 20k; metro-adjacent | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BradfordCounty+PA |
| | Bucks County | PA | 42017 | Montgomery County-Bucks
County-Chester County, PA 33874 | Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington,
PA-NJ-DE-MD 37980 | Philadelphia-Reading-Camden,
PA-NJ-DE-MD 428 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BucksCounty+PA |
| | Butler County | PA | 42019 | | Pittsburgh, PA 38300 | Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville,
PA-OH-WV 430 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=ButlerCounty+PA |