| | Bastrop County | TX | 48021 | | Austin-Round Rock-San
Marcos, TX 12420 | | Outlying | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BastropCounty+TX |
| | Baylor County | TX | 48023 | | | | | not in metro; pop <
5k; non-metro-adjacent | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BaylorCounty+TX |
| | Bee County | TX | 48025 | | Beeville, TX 13300 | | Central | not in metro; pop > 5k
< 20k; metro-adjacent | federal/state
government-dependent | https://maps.google.com/?q=BeeCounty+TX |
| | Bell County | TX | 48027 | | Killeen-Temple, TX 28660 | | Central | in metro of > 250k
< 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BellCounty+TX |
| | Bexar County | TX | 48029 | | San Antonio-New
Braunfels, TX 41700 | San Antonio-New
Braunfels-Kerrville, TX 484 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BexarCounty+TX |
| | Blanco County | TX | 48031 | | | | | not in metro; pop <
5k; metro-adjacent | recreation | https://maps.google.com/?q=BlancoCounty+TX |
| | Borden County | TX | 48033 | | | | | not in metro; pop <
5k; non-metro-adjacent | farm-dependent | https://maps.google.com/?q=BordenCounty+TX |
| | Bosque County | TX | 48035 | | Waco, TX 47380 | | Outlying | in metro of > 250k
< 1m | farm-dependent | https://maps.google.com/?q=BosqueCounty+TX |
| | Bowie County | TX | 48037 | | Texarkana, TX-AR 45500 | | Central | in metro of < 250k | federal/state
government-dependent | https://maps.google.com/?q=BowieCounty+TX |
| | Brazoria County | TX | 48039 | | Houston-Pasadena-The
Woodlands, TX 26420 | Houston-Pasadena, TX 288 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=BrazoriaCounty+TX |