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    State-County-Place code
    20260 items found  (Total items: 20260)
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    Place         Place GEOID   County GEOID   State         CBSA          CSA           Principal city   Map query    
    Soldotna city0271640Kenai Peninsula Borough 02122 AK
    Ketchikan city0238970Ketchikan Gateway Borough 02130 AKKetchikan, AK 28540   Y
    Saxman city0267570Ketchikan Gateway Borough 02130 AKKetchikan, AK 28540
    Akhiok city0200650Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Kodiak city0240950Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Larsen Bay city0243040Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Old Harbor city0257340Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Ouzinkie city0258550Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Port Lions city0263610Kodiak Island Borough 02150 AK
    Chignik city0213550Lake and Peninsula
    Borough 02164
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