| | Essex County | NJ | 34013 | Newark, NJ-PA 35084 | New York-Newark-Jersey
City, NY-NJ 35620 | New York-Newark,
NY-NJ-CT-PA 408 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=EssexCounty+NJ |
| | Hunterdon County | NJ | 34019 | Newark, NJ-PA 35084 | New York-Newark-Jersey
City, NY-NJ 35620 | New York-Newark,
NY-NJ-CT-PA 408 | Outlying | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=HunterdonCounty+NJ |
| | Morris County | NJ | 34027 | Newark, NJ-PA 35084 | New York-Newark-Jersey
City, NY-NJ 35620 | New York-Newark,
NY-NJ-CT-PA 408 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=MorrisCounty+NJ |
| | Sussex County | NJ | 34037 | Newark, NJ-PA 35084 | New York-Newark-Jersey
City, NY-NJ 35620 | New York-Newark,
NY-NJ-CT-PA 408 | Outlying | in metro of > 1m | recreation | https://maps.google.com/?q=SussexCounty+NJ |
| | Union County | NJ | 34039 | Newark, NJ-PA 35084 | New York-Newark-Jersey
City, NY-NJ 35620 | New York-Newark,
NY-NJ-CT-PA 408 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=UnionCounty+NJ |