| | Erie County | NY | 36029 | | Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY 15380 | Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Olean,
NY 160 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=ErieCounty+NY |
| | Niagara County | NY | 36063 | | Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY 15380 | Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Olean,
NY 160 | Central | in metro of > 1m | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=NiagaraCounty+NY |
| | Cattaraugus County | NY | 36009 | | Olean, NY 36460 | Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Olean,
NY 160 | Central | not in metro; pop
>20k; metro-adjacent | nonspecialized | https://maps.google.com/?q=CattaraugusCounty+NY |