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    Subdivision GEOID
    County subdivision
    36434 items found  (Total items: 36434)
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    Page 3641 of 3644
        3641 3642 3643 3644
    Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
    1323193474Zebulon CCDPike CountyGAStatistical entity S
    2613989280Zeeland charter townshipOttawa CountyMIActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    2613989260Zeeland cityOttawa CountyMIFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    3805188180Zeeland cityMcIntosh CountyNDFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    4201987272Zelienople boroughButler CountyPAFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    4604973340Zell townshipFaulk CountySDActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    2706172184Zemple cityItasca CountyMNFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    1307993480Zenith CCDCrawford CountyGAStatistical entity S
    3200594952Zephyr Cove CCDDouglas CountyNVStatistical entity S
    1210193770Zephyrhills CCDPasco CountyFLStatistical entity S
    Page 3641 of 3644
        3641 3642 3643 3644

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