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    Subdivision GEOID
    County subdivision
    36434 items found  (Total items: 36434)
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    Page 20 of 3644
        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
    4201186880Wyomissing boroughBerks CountyPAFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    1710383674Wyoming townshipLee CountyILActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    1910594794Wyoming townshipJones CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    3108953940Wyoming townshipHolt CountyNEActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    5504989350Wyoming townIowa CountyWIActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    5513589375Wyoming townWaupaca CountyWIActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    3113193565Wyoming precinctOtoe CountyNENonfunctioning legal
    entity N
    2608188940Wyoming cityKent CountyMIFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    2702572022Wyoming cityChisago CountyMNFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    3906186730Wyoming cityHamilton CountyOHFictitious entity created
    to fill the Census Bureau
    geographic hierarchy F
    Page 20 of 3644
        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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