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    Subdivision GEOID
    County subdivision
    36434 items found  (Total items: 36434)
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    Page 23 of 3644
        21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
    2701100532Akron townshipBig Stone CountyMNActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    2716700550Akron townshipWilkin CountyMNActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    7210701433Ala de la Piedra barrioOrocovis MunicipioPRNonfunctioning legal
    entity N
    3603700474Alabama townGenesee CountyNYActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    0509990023Alabama townshipNevada CountyARNonfunctioning legal
    entity N
    2606900760Alabaster townshipIosco CountyMIActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    0111790036Alabaster-Helena CCDShelby CountyALStatistical entity S
    2606500800Alaiedon townshipIngham CountyMIActive government
    providing primary
    general-purpose functions A
    0600190020Alameda CCDAlameda CountyCAStatistical entity S
    1330990048Alamo CCDWheeler CountyGAStatistical entity S
    Page 23 of 3644
        21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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