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    Subdivision GEOID
    County subdivision
    36434 items found  (Total items: 36434)
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    Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
    1900191776Grove townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900191854Harrison townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900192088Jackson townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900192199Jefferson townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900192397Lee townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900192514Lincoln townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900193198Orient townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900193519Prussia townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900193570Richland townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    1900194032Summerset townshipAdair CountyIAActive government that is
    subordinate to another
    unit of government G
    Page 4 of 3644
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