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   Somerset County
   Somerset, PA 43740
   Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306
   not in metro; pop > 5k < 20k; metro-adjacent



Place GEOID   Place         County        State         CBSA          CSA           A principal city of metro  
4200276Acosta CDPSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4200396Addison boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4205648Benson boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4205776Berlin boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4207712Boswell boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4210720Cairnbrook CDPSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4210808Callimont boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4211624Casselman boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4212296Central City boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N
4215680Confluence boroughSomerset County PASomerset, PA 43740 Johnstown-Somerset, PA 306N


Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
4211100396Addison boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
4211100404Addison townshipSomerset CountyPAActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
4211100876Allegheny townshipSomerset CountyPAActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
4211105648Benson boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
4211105776Berlin boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
4211106640Black townshipSomerset CountyPAActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
4211107712Boswell boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
4211109256Brothersvalley townshipSomerset CountyPAActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
4211110808Callimont boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
4211111624Casselman boroughSomerset CountyPAFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F



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