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   Montgomery County
   Amsterdam, NY 11220
   Albany-Schenectady, NY 104
   not in metro; pop >20k; metro-adjacent



Place GEOID   Place         County        State         CBSA          CSA           A principal city of metro  
3601737Ames villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3602066Amsterdam cityMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104Y
3612111Canajoharie villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3626462Fonda villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3626880Fort Johnson villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3626924Fort Plain villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3627859Fultonville villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3631291Hagaman villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3649748Nelliston villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N
3656110Palatine Bridge villageMontgomery County NYAmsterdam, NY 11220 Albany-Schenectady, NY 104N


Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
3605702066Amsterdam cityMontgomery CountyNYFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
3605702077Amsterdam townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605712122Canajoharie townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605713816Charleston townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605726308Florida townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605729047Glen townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605747614Minden townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605747834Mohawk townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605756099Palatine townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3605763561Root townMontgomery CountyNYActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A


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