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   Madison County
   Asheville, NC 11700
   Asheville-Waynesville-Brevard, NC 120
   in metro of > 250k < 1m



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Place GEOID: 3732840

Place: Hot Springs town

County: Madison County

State: NC

CBSA: Asheville, NC 11700

CSA: Asheville-Waynesville-Brevard, NC 120

A principal city of metro: N

Place GEOID: 3741580

Place: Marshall town

County: Madison County

State: NC

CBSA: Asheville, NC 11700

CSA: Asheville-Waynesville-Brevard, NC 120

A principal city of metro: N

Place GEOID: 3741620

Place: Mars Hill town

County: Madison County

State: NC

CBSA: Asheville, NC 11700

CSA: Asheville-Waynesville-Brevard, NC 120

A principal city of metro: N


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Subdivision GEOID: 3711593290

County subdivision: Township 1, North Marshall

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593298

County subdivision: Township 1, South Marshall

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593340

County subdivision: Township 2, Laurel

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593376

County subdivision: Township 3, Mars Hill

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593416

County subdivision: Township 4, Beech Glenn

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593500

County subdivision: Township 5, Walnut

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593528

County subdivision: Township 6, Hot Springs

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593568

County subdivision: Township 7, Ebbs Chapel

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593624

County subdivision: Township 8, Spring Creek

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N

Subdivision GEOID: 3711593654

County subdivision: Township 9, Sandy Mush

County: Madison County

State abbrev: NC

Functional status code: Nonfunctioning legal entity N


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