Subdivision GEOID: 3600901297
County subdivision: Allegany town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600901308
County subdivision: Allegany Reservation
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau geographic hierarchy F
Subdivision GEOID: 3600902759
County subdivision: Ashford town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600912661
County subdivision: Carrollton town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600913035
County subdivision: Cattaraugus Reservation
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau geographic hierarchy F
Subdivision GEOID: 3600916903
County subdivision: Coldspring town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600917684
County subdivision: Conewango town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600919840
County subdivision: Dayton town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600922678
County subdivision: East Otto town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A
Subdivision GEOID: 3600924031
County subdivision: Ellicottville town
County: Cattaraugus County
State abbrev: NY
Functional status code: Active government providing primary general-purpose functions A