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   Allen County
   Lima, OH 30620
   Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
   Metro < 250k



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Place         Place GEOID   County GEOID   State         CBSA          CSA           Principal city   Map query    
Beaverdam village3904752Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Bluffton village (part)3907426Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Cairo village3910884Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Delphos city (part)3921602Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Elida village3924808Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Harrod village3934118Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Lafayette village3941118Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338
Lima city3943554Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338Y
Spencerville village3974034Allen County 39003 OHLima, OH 30620Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH 338


Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
3900301602Amanda townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900301756American townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900302988Auglaize townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900304206Bath townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900337646Jackson townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900343554Lima cityAllen CountyOHFictitious entity created
to fill the Census Bureau
geographic hierarchy F
3900347656Marion townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900351282Monroe townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900361742Perry townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A
3900366614Richland townshipAllen CountyOHActive government
providing primary
general-purpose functions A


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