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   Blount County
   Birmingham, AL 13820
   Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega, AL 142
   Metro > 1m



Place         Place GEOID   County GEOID   State         CBSA          CSA           Principal city   Map query    
Allgood town0101396Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Altoona town (part)0101660Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Blountsville town0107456Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Cleveland town0115472Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
County Line town (part)0117968Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Garden City town (part)0129032Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Hayden town0133640Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Highland Lake town0134480Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Locust Fork town0143888Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142
Nectar town0153448Blount County 01009 ALBirmingham, AL 13820Birmingham-Cullman-Talladega,
AL 142


7 items found
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Subdivision GEOID   County subdivision   County        State abbrev   Functional status code  
0100990333Blountsville CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100990414Brooksville CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100990612Clarence CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100990639Cleveland CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100991557Hayden CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100991953Locust Fork CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S
0100992439Oneonta CCDBlount CountyALStatistical entity S



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