Benchmarked state- and metro-level “innovation centers” that are structured as public/private or industry/university partnerships, as part of an unpublished study conducted by TEConomy Partners for the Maryland Excel initiative, a collaboration between the State of Maryland and the Hopkins and University of Maryland systems.

Benchmarked research parks and economic-development initiatives at comparable lab settings worldwide, and contributed knowledge on available state-government support mechanisms, as part of a visioning study conducted by TEConomy Partners for a research park to be associated with a major federal laboratory.

Conducted all benchmarking research for a report commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). The report highlights pro-innovation initiatives being undertaken by 18 nations (plus the European Union at the transnational level) that are challenging U.S. global leadership in the advanced biopharmaceutical industries. Work delivered as a subcontractor to TEConomy Partners.

Report cover

Cover page of the TEConomy Partners report for PhRMA. For the full report, click the image.

Benchmarked a series of major medical-research prizes, and suggested alternative methodologies for sourcing candidates, as part of a project by TEConomy Partners to advise a health-system foundation on a contemplated new prize. [Repeat engagements involved generating lists of candidates for this prize.]

Subcontractor to the NYU Wagner School on major grant from U.S. EDA to Wagner, ICMA, and JFF to assist in coordinating and harmonizing approaches to economic development across federal agencies. The project is intended to yield a one-stop platform to help communities make more effective cases for integrated federal support of complex regional partnerships for economic development.

Benchmarked six centers at leading universities elsewhere in the nation as part of a project to plan initiatives in both plant sciences and food processing at North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. NCSU-Plant Sciences NCSU FMI


Performed extensive data analysis and benchmarking on competing university efforts in Big Data science in preparation for The Ohio State University’s issuance of a call for proposals through its Discovery Themes competition.

Big Data Profiles

Benchmarked globally prominent agbioscience research institutions and regional competitors as part of a strategy project for La Trobe University and its R&D partner, the State of Victoria (Australia) Department of Primary Industries.

Benchmarked five major bioscience R&D institutes and several smaller programs for Indiana BioCrossroads (a cluster project of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership) as part of a strategy project to design what became the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute.



Benchmarked the strategies of three other states that, like Nebraska, were considering integrating to some degree their departments of commerce or economic development and labor or workforce development.