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    NAICS code
    2198 items found  (Total items: 2198)
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    NAICS code    Title         Level         U.S. Industry   Industry      Industry Group   Subsector     Sector       
    11212Dairy Cattle and Milk
    5   Dairy Cattle and Milk
    Production 11212
    Cattle Ranching and
    Farming 1121
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    112120Dairy Cattle and Milk
    6Dairy Cattle and Milk
    Production 112120
    Dairy Cattle and Milk
    Production 11212
    Cattle Ranching and
    Farming 1121
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    11213Dual-Purpose Cattle
    Ranching and Farming
    5   Dual-Purpose Cattle
    Ranching and Farming 11213
    Cattle Ranching and
    Farming 1121
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    112130Dual-Purpose Cattle
    Ranching and Farming
    6Dual-Purpose Cattle
    Ranching and Farming 112130
    Dual-Purpose Cattle
    Ranching and Farming 11213
    Cattle Ranching and
    Farming 1121
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    1122Hog and Pig Farming4      Hog and Pig Farming 1122Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    11221Hog and Pig Farming5   Hog and Pig Farming 11221Hog and Pig Farming 1122Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    112210Hog and Pig Farming 6Hog and Pig Farming 112210Hog and Pig Farming 11221Hog and Pig Farming 1122Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    1123Poultry and Egg
    4      Poultry and Egg
    Production 1123
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    11231Chicken Egg Production5   Chicken Egg Production 11231Poultry and Egg
    Production 1123
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
    112310Chicken Egg Production 6Chicken Egg Production 112310Chicken Egg Production 11231Poultry and Egg
    Production 1123
    Animal Production and
    Aquaculture 112
    Agriculture, Forestry,
    Fishing and Hunting 11
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